Brazilian Soccer Schools are a grassroots football organisation with a worldwide network of coaches that has the unified objective of providing a unique but structured football education to children from the ages of 5-18.
This is achieved through a specifically designed syllabus of 200+ individual core movements and skills, which are taught & evaluated using our proprietary method of assessment the Skills Badge Scheme. Our philosophy is that through an increased number of training hours involving constant repetition players can refine & improve both basic & complex skills.

Futebol de Salão allows the core moves & skills taught & assessed in sessions to be integrated into the insanely fast, tightly compressed & highly pressurized environment of 5 a side football.
It is played on a pitch the size of a basketball court with a smaller (size 2), heavier (465g) ball that has virtually no bounce (10%).
As explained by Emilio Miranda from the University of São Paulo this version of the game creates up to 600% more touches & served as Brazil's "laboratory of improvisation".