Development Squad Program

We have created many talented players, both Boys & Girls at BSS since 2010 and our highly successful Development Squad program was formed in 2014 and we have a large amount of players that have gone forward to play in SAP & Development Squads at Manly United, Northern Tigers, Gladesville Spirit, Central Coast Mariners Academy, Gladesville Ryde Magic & Northbridge FC as well as for Rep Futsal teams UTS Northside & Northern Beaches Breakers and many Players have now passed through to the NSW Youth Representative Boys & Girls Youth Leagues from U13+.
We have over 250 new & returning players this year (2023) at our own Development Squads U6-14 (BSS DS Trials are every November-Call for info to attend a Trial mid-season) and we have high hopes for several players that have improved significantly and who play in a similar style to those that have already stepped up to higher grades of State Representative football & futsal.

Our Development Squad program is our most intense training program and will run from Terms 1-4 with a recommendation of two or three training sessions per week depending on the age and ability of the player. The duration of the session is also crucial & our sessions are normally 90 minutes.
The nature of all Brazilian Soccer Schools sessions is so dynamic that this time simply races by. Players will often ask for more time and coaches often go a little over time! The fact that each Player has so many touches on the ball during a session + quality drills and games, equates to a rapid improvement in the players technical skill level.
All our sessions follow a similar structure. After a warm up we teach and practice the core skills which are the building blocks to learning the signature moves that have made many Brazilian players household names the world over. During this period each Player has a ball to themselves and works to their own standards, pushing themselves against an individual target.
The second section takes that weeks topic and breaks down a move or turn into individual segments which are demonstrated and taught again with each child having a ball to themselves. This may be progressed by working in pairs to increase the intensity of the session.
Finally we have small sided possession drills or gameplay giving all Players a chance to try out their new skills in an intense high pressure environment. At the end of the session there is a debrief, with any appropriate directed learning discussed for the Player to do at home and to take on board for the next session.